
Dropbox amazon fire
Dropbox amazon fire

For example, if you do not check the display rotation in a game, the game logic may move a character in the opposite direction from what the user intended. That way, the logic in your app gets the expected input in landscape mode. You need to translate the sensor data so that it makes sense for the current display rotation. The reference orientation for the Fire tablets is portrait mode, and the accelerometer readings are relative to a fixed coordinate system based on portrait orientation. When your app is in landscape orientation on a Fire tablet, for example in a game, use Display.getRotation() to check the display rotation when using raw accelerometer readings. SetRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE) Accelerometer Include the following in your AndroidManifest.xml file to specify that you want to use sensor-based landscape orientation:Īlternatively, in your code, you can use the following constant: Android API level 9 and later supports the attribute for sensor-based orientation. With sensor-based orientation, the system chooses landscape orientation or reverse landscape orientation based on the physical orientation of the tablet. When creating an app for the Fire tablets that runs only in landscape mode, you should specify sensor-based landscape orientation in your AndroidManifest.xml. The following table shows orientation codes for the Fire tablets. To help ensure a good user experience, your app needs to account for changes in device orientation.

dropbox amazon fire

Install and Use the Amazon Web App Testerįire tablets allow for rotation of the display.Automatically Scale an Element to Fill the Screen.Detect the Device Display Characteristics.Take Screenshots on Fire Devices and Android Tablets.Fire Tablet Specifications: Fire HDX Models.

dropbox amazon fire

  • Fire Tablet Specifications: Fire Models.
  • Fire Tablet Specifications: Fire HD Models.
  • Set Up Your Development Environment for Fire Tablets.

  • Dropbox amazon fire